Produkt przeznaczony jest do pielęgnacji skóry twarzy i włosów. To gęsta, bezbarwna, żelowata ciecz; unikatowe połączenie składników zapewnia kompleksowe, uzupełniające się działanie. Nie podrażnia skóry.3% roztwór kwasu hialuronowego w postaci żelu to aktywne serum odmładzająco-wygładzająco-regenerujące do twarzy ciała i włosów. Unikatowa kombinacja trzech rodzajów cząsteczek, wykazuje zdolność przenikania w głąb skóry, dzięki czemu pielęgnacja jest gruntowna i długotrwała.Niesamowite działanie:<ul> <li>Nawilża skórę średnio o 16%</li> <li>Wygładza skórę średnio o 27%</li> <li>Ujędrnia skórę średnio o 5%</li> <li>Produkt zmniejsza długość zmarszczek średnio o 5% i ich głębokość średnio o 4%</li></ul>Działanie zostało potwierdzone dermatologicznie. <strong>Skład: </strong>woda destylowana 96%, kwas hialuronowy wielkocząsteczkowy 1,5%, kwas hialuronowy drobnocząsteczkowy 1,5%, substancje konserwujące 1%: glukonolakton, kwas benzoesowy <strong>Stosowanie</strong>Produkt do piel
Il nostro Alca 2 è fortemente alcalino e sgrassante, con un minore dosaggio è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro Alca 2 usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie facilmente lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi per una rimozione totale dello sporco, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi con l’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
4-Hydroxycoumarin belongs to the group of coumarin derivatives. The intermediate is used in the pharmaceutical and agricultural industry. It is used mainly for anticoagulants such as Warfarin and rodenticides.
CAS Number:1076-38-6
Use:Warfarin Intermediate
Use 2:Rodenticide
Synonym 2:4-Coumarinol
Synonym 3:Benzotetronic acid
Cortec VpCI® 322 is a concentrated, solvent-based oil safeguarding ferrous and non-ferrous metals from corrosion.
Leveraging advanced VpCI® technology, it forms a thin, transparent film that protects against rust, even in hard-to-reach areas.This oil not only inhibits corrosion but also lubricates moving parts due to added anti-wear agents.Its low viscosity ensures easy application and penetration.Ideal for equipment, parts, and components during shipping, storage, or lay-up, VpCI® 322 safeguards a wide range of metals, including carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, brass, aluminium, and galvanised steel.
Syringic acid is a natural compound in the phenolic acid compound class. It is a common plant metabolite and can be found in various sources in nature like nuts, olives, pumpkin seeds, honey, red wine, and many more. It has also been used in traditional medicine from the extracts of shoebutton Ardisia Ardisia elliptica and others.
Cat. Nr:NST-10-42
Purity:98% (HPLC)
Molecular formula:C9H10O5
Molecular weight:198,17
La miel de Bosque no es producidas por las abejas a partir del néctar de flores, sino de un mielato que exudan las encinas, alcornoques y robles.
Su color es mucho más oscuro que el resto de las mieles, su olor es tostado y su sabor es menos dulce que el resto de mieles, con toques salados.
Se envasa artesanalmente en formatos para comercio retail o en formatos de mayor capacidades para la industria.
Liquid Caustic Soda Lye is basic a solution of sodium hydroxide. Depending on the intended application, it can be diluted to 32% or 50 %. The solution is colourless and does not have any smells. It is a salt formed by the reaction of sodium and water
HS Code:281511
Vente des Produits Chimiques à usages multiples pour la désintégration de la couche de sécurité de couleur ( noir et vert ) et la restauration des fibres moléculaires pour la restructuration de la puce de sécurité des semis-finis .
* xénon universel +
* Laveur Universel.
* Poudre Extra Mercure Il s'agit d'un produit chimique anti-blanchiment pour les billets de banque conçu pour éliminer l'excès de substance qui les recouvre. La solution SSD universelle fonctionne mieux lorsqu'elle est combinée avec de la poudre d'activation whatsaap: 0033773015981
Pour l'huile de CBG à spectre complet, nous utilisons un extrait de chanvre issu de cultures certifiées biologiques dans les Alpes suisses. Outre le cannabigerol (CBG), l'huile contient tous les composants naturels de la plante de chanvre, comme les terpènes, les cannabinoïdes et les flavonoïdes. L'huile de support utilisée est de l'huile de tournesol de qualité supérieure, également de qualité biologique.
Zum Reinigen und Entfetten. Aceton-Waschmittel An dieser Stelle finden Sie das Technische Merkblatt zu diesem Produkt. Um auch die jeweiligen Sicherheitsdatenblätter zu erhalten, ist ein Log-in notwendig.
Analytical Purity Ethyl Alcohol for Analysis, which we started to produce with our BİORAD brand in the field of Laboratory Chemicals in 2019, is offered to our valuable users with high quality and reasonable prices.
Analytical Grade Analysis-Purpose Absolute Alcohol which has broad usage that we produce and sell, it can be used pathology laboratory in hospital (dehydration), histology laboratory, scientific research project as AR-GE-purposed and industry, etc.
Our products are presented 1 litre, 2,5 litre, 5 litre and 20 litre package for usage. They are produced with 99,5% and 99,9% concentration.
AGRO K-33 her türlü sulama sistemleri ve aynı zamanda yapraktan uygulanabilen yüksek potasyumlu sıvı gübredir. Potasyum bitkilerin güçlü olmasını, kötü hava koşullarına ve susuzluğa daha fazla dayanmasını, meyvenin renk almasını, iri olmasını ve raf ömrünün uzamasını sağlar. Metabolizmada şeker, protein sentezi ve fotosentez enzimlerini harekete geçirmede önemli rol oynar. Mineral yağ, yağ bazlı insektisitler, kalsiyum ve asit karakterli ürünlerle karıştırılmaz. Ön karışabilirlik testi tavsiye edilir.
Il nostro alcalino sgrassante è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, questo prodotto è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro alcalino sgrassante, usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi all’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
5-ALA ist ein pharmazeutischer Wirkstoff hergestellt nach cGMP-Richtlinien.
* Wettbewerbsfähiger Prozess
* Europäischer Hersteller
* Registriert und freigegeben in EU und USA
5-Aminolävulinsäure ist eine Aminosäure, die den Ketocarbonsäuren zuzuordnen ist. Sie wird vermehrt in Tumorzellen zu einem rot fluoreszierenden Molekül umgebaut. Diese reichert sich in Tumorzellen etwa 4 Mal mehr an als in gesunden Zellen. Die Substanz ist ein Photosensibilisator, sie kann mit Lichtenergie Sauerstoffradikale bilden. Diese Radikale zerstören die Zelle, weshalb 5-Aminolävulinsäure z.B. bei durch UV-Strahlung verursachten Hautkarzinomen Anwendung findet.
Indikation:Tumordiagnostik, photodynamische Th.
Palmitoleic acid is a natural compound in the fatty acid class. It is Omega-7 fatty acid – 7th atom in the carbon chain is the site of unsaturation. Palmitoleic acid is a principal constituent of glycerides and human adipose tissue.
Cat. Nr:NST-10-101
Purity:80% (GC)
Molecular formula:C16H30O2
Molecular weight:254,41
4-Hydroxycinnamic acid (p-Coumaric acid) is a natural cinnamic acid derivative. It can be located in various foods like peanuts, tomatoes, garlic and drinks like wine and tea. However, 4-Hydroxycinnamic acid can also be produced from lignin and by biosynthetic methods.
Cat. Nr:NST-10-99
Purity:98% (HPLC)
Molecular formula:C9H8O3
Molecular weight:368,38
Rosmarinic acid is a natural compound in the polyphenol compound class. It can be found in rosemary Salvia rosmarinus L. where its name has been derived but also can be located in mint, sage, and other culinary spices and herbs.
Cat. Nr:NST-10-26
Purity:98% (HPLC)
Molecular formula:C18H16O8
Molecular weight:360,31